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Internal Rules, Athens 20190504

8 min read

Athens, 4 May 2019


The purpose of the Appendix is to provide clear definitions of the meanings applied by RiEN
to certain words or terms appearing within the main body of this Objectives, Constitution
and Rules of RIEN and its associated Appendices, which same might otherwise be mis-
interpreted or have an alternative, even though similar, meaning applied to them by some


For the purposes of the RiEN, the term “REFLEXOLOGY” shall be taken to mean that Reflexology is an art and science that deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in
the feet and hands (and other parts of the body) which correspond to all of the glands,
organs and parts of the body. Reflexology is a unique method of using pressure applied
mainly by the thumb and fingers on these reflex areas in order to support nature in
maintaining homeostasis, as far as may be achieved for each individual. It does this by
stimulating the reflex areas which may help to relieve stress and tension, improve the blood
supply to all parts of the body and promote the correct functioning of nerve impulses. Note
that in Reflexology the word ‘stimulate’ refers to an action that may produce a response,
this response could be sedation, stimulation or no response at all. ( permission to use this
definition from Dwight Byers)

Reflexology aims to treat the imbalances of each individual and to alleviate and improve symptoms. It does not however diagnose a specific medical problem.


By “Reflexologist” is meant a person who has been trained to a specific standard, as
accepted by members of RiEN, which at present may vary between countries, in the practice
of Reflexology as defined above.


The term “majority vote” means a simple majority unless otherwise specified in the Constitution. A vote can be a vote in person or a vote on paper.


Reflexology in Europe Nexus – Association Membership

The Reflexology in Europe Nexus consists of professional organizations working on an equal
footing and with agreed aims. The rules governing participation in the Reflexology in Europe
Nexus are as follows:

Professional Organizations eligible for inclusion into the Reflexology in Europe Nexus should:

  1. be a constituted organization representing qualified Reflexologists, and require minimum criteria of qualification and training.
  2. be able to demonstrate how the above criteria are implemented.
  3. they must be prepared to abide by the disciplinary and complaints procedure of RiEN
  4. follow appropriate standard of professional conduct and practice as laid down in Appendix 4 of this Constitution
  5. be accountable for and to its members

It is recognised that RiEN needs to be able to speak for as many Reflexologists as possible. It is with this in mind that a mechanism has been put in place to allow entry to those organisations that are not solely Reflexology based (Point 1).


Qualifications for Membership of Executive and Sub-Committees

The Board requires to be responsible for establishing guidance and definitions of working practices and job descriptions, including, but not limited to, job descriptions for all members and Officers of the Board, and descriptions of protocols and working practice for the smooth running of the Board and its various Working Groups or Sub-committees.

In the light of this guidance, the following qualifications will be applied to individuals taking up positions on the Board and/or any Working Group. These provisions shall take effect from the AGM following the approval of RiEN.

To serve on the Board any person must:

  1. have been nominated in accordance with the constitution
  2. Be prepared to sign a Statement of Intent to abide by the Aims & Objectives of RiEN and to work to further enhance the standing and development of RiEN nationally and internationally.
  3. Be prepared to accept and abide by the working practices and precedents
  4. Be prepared to confirm their commitment to donate sufficient time to fulfil the position for which they have been nominated

To serve as a member of a Working Group or Sub-Committee any person must:

  1. Have been nominated in accordance with the Constitution.
  2. Be prepared to sign a Statement of Intent to abide by the Aims & Objectives of RiEN and
    to work to further enhance the standing and development of RiEN, nationally and
  3. Be prepared to accept and abide by the working practices and precedents of RiEN.
  4. Be prepared to confirm their commitment to donate sufficient time to fulfil the position
    for which they have been nominated
  5. Be prepared to confirm that their experience, knowledge and expertise is adequate to
    perform the job requirements of the nominated position.
  6. Need not be a Reflexologist but should have experience relevant to the Working Group’s


Code of Ethics and Practice

All Members of RiEN are required to adhere to this Code of Ethics and Practice and to
conduct themselves in such a manner as to uphold and maintain the high standards of the
profession of Reflexology. Any breach of this Code may render the Member liable to
Disciplinary Procedures.

  1. Members of RiEN shall at all times act in an honourable, courteous and considerate manner in their relations with other members, practitioners, students and the public.
  2. Members must recognise that their primary obligation is towards the membership o their associations and the students of their Training Establishments and must at all times seek to represent their interests in the best possible way.
  3. Members shall not deliberately mislead for their own gain a student of therapist or member of the public who seeks advice or information from them.
  4. A Member must not attempt by any devious or coercive means, or by making derogatory statements about another member, or by offering special inducements, to persuade a student or therapist to leave their existing Training Organisation or Association and to re-register with them.
  5. Members should present a united front to the public and not imply criticism of colleagues either in writing or verbally before the general public.
  6. No member should unwarrantedly offer, explicitly or implicitly, either verbally or in writing, an unfavourable opinion of another Training Establishment or Association, whether or not they are a member of RiEN. Members are free, however, to take such action as they may deem necessary, preferably, but not necessarily, after consulting with the Board as to the best course of action, to defend their own good name and reputation or that of one or more of their members where this is threatened by the actions of a third party who is not a registered member of RiEN. Where a registered member is involved as said third party the matter should be referred to the Advice and Ethics Committee for mediation purposes, or such other action as the Advice and Ethics Committee may deem appropriate.
  7. Members may advertise their services providing this is carried out in such a way as to present and maintain a professional and ethical image and standard.
  8. A member’s stationery should be of an acceptable standard and should show, where relevant, its name, both its operative and registered address, and telephone number when permission is given according to the processing contract ( European law 2018) .
  9. Members contributions to newspapers, journals, professional papers and other published works may only indicate that they are a member of RiEN if the content is first approved by RiEN before publication.


Disciplinary Procedures – extended

The procedures detailed hereunder are an extension of the Constitution and provide the
basis upon which the Board and the Advice and Ethics Committee shall act in respect of
disciplinary matters as defined the Constitution.

It should be understood that the disciplinary procedures detailed herein are in respect of
organizations and not individuals. The responsibility for disciplinary procedures in respect of
individual practitioners or students lies with their respective Associations or Training

  1. The Board, having been made aware of a technical or ethical breach on the part of a given member, whether from another RiEN member under section 3 above or in some other manner, of one or more of the obligations and requirements of members as detailed within this Constitution of which this appendix forms a part, shall request and require the Secretary of RiEN to write to the Secretary or other nominated official of the alleged association or
    school member, informing them of the perceived nature of the offence(s) and requesting
    and requiring them to respond to RiEN within twenty one days with a refutation of
    explanation of same.
  2. In the event that either,
    a) No response is received within the allotted time from the alleged offending member, or
    b) A response is received and having been considered by the Board is found to be
    unsatisfactory, then the Board shall set a date for the convening of the Advice and Ethics Committee and shall likewise determine the persons who shall constitute said the Advice and Ethics Committee and shall charge them with the investigation of the alleged offences and with the preparing of a report of recommendation to the Board within a pre-defined period of time.
  3. The Advice and Ethics Committee will be responsible for obtaining adequate written
    details regarding the alleged offence(s) from the person or organization lodging the
    complaint and a copy of same shall be sent to the alleged offending member and the person or organization lodging the complaint shall likewise be informed in writing that the complaint is being investigated. The alleged offending member shall again be requested to respond in writing within twenty one days, accepting or denying the offence and in the case where a previous reply was considered to be unsatisfactory the member shall be given the reasons why this was considered to be so.
  4. On receipt of the alleged offending members reply ,or lack of same, the members of the
    Advice and Ethics Committee shall convene to consider same and to determine whether it be appropriate to request one or both parties to attend a further meeting, or whether
    sufficient information is available to them to make a decision, or whether they require
    further information before this can be done. The Advice and Ethics Committee shall be
    empowered to require the alleged offending member, or any other member they consider may be of help in determining a proper course of action, to provide copies of records or other documentation they consider pertinent to their investigations, or to appear before the Advice and Ethics Committee to give direct evidence.
  5. Having considered the complaint and any rebuttal the Advice and Ethics Committee shall
    submit a written report with recommendations to the Board.
  6. If on consideration of the Advice and Ethics Committee’s report the Board considers that
    the matter should be taken further, then the report shall be circulated to all RiEN Members together with a recommendation from the Board as to action to be taken.
  7. The matter shall be considered at the next AGM ( associations or schools) and the
    member informed in Writing, of RiEN’s decision in the matter. The member shall be given
    the right of appeal to RiEN within twenty one days of receiving formal notification of RiEN’s decision.
  8. RiEN will deal with any written appeal within one month of its receipt and may request
    further written or verbal submission from either party.