Every year RiEN organizes an AGM. Every organisation tries to send one or two delegates. During that AGM we talk about the sitution of reflexologists in the different countries, we discuss education, the value of research, vote for new board members and propositions the board made to their members.

The AGM 2025 will be in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Date and location will follow soon.

Previous members’ meetings:

From 1994 we had meetings all over Europe f.i. in Paris, Barcelona, Amersfoort, Odense, Echternach, Madeira, Bled

The AGM 2015 was in the neighbourhood of Munchen, Germany.

In 2015 we started a schoolmeting the day before the AGM ; we invited the schools to come over and discuss education. In the afternoon the representitives of the schools exchanged a treatment.

The AGM 2016 was in Brussels, Belgium

The AGM 2017 was in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The AGM 2018 was in Fatima, Portugal

The AGM 2019 was in Athens, Greece

The AGM 2020 should be in Paris, but was cancelled because of the COVID pandemic

The AGM 2021 was online, because of the COVID pandemic

The AGM 2022 was in Copenhagen, Denmark

The AGM 2023 was in Yecla, Spain

The AGM 2024 was in Upssala, Sweden

To see the minutes of the AGM and the schoolmeting you can log in